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Hypocrisy among the anti-abortion elite

The public healthcare debate is still underway, but another healthcare issue is emerging. This issue is viewed as a “right” by some, and “murder” by others. It’s one of the most controversial aspects of womens’ rights: abortion.

Abortion brings out strong emotions in many people, which which can include violent threats. In the past year alone, we have seen many abortion providers murdered by pro-life activists.

Hypocritical? I’d say so.


Divorce could damage your health

Who thought the age old phrase “died from a broken heart” was ever to be taken literally? I’m talking heart disease, heart failure, heart attack literally. According to some recent studies, this appears to be the case.

We’re all familiar with the feeling of loss and sometimes depression that accompany the separation of a serious relationship, especially a marriage. Even those who’ve never been married have experienced this with boyfriend/girlfriend breakups. They’re never easy. It truly is as if a piece of your heart is ripped, beating and bleeding, from your chest, a feeling you’re not soon to forget.

What comes after the separation stage is the healing stage, and many find themselves feeling incredibly better about life in general a few weeks or months later. However, it appears that this mental protection device may only provide benefits on the surface. The damage has already been done and there may be no turning back the clock with regard to the detrimental health effects.


What to expect when Microsoft and Yahoo get together

It just might be one of the most powerful unions ever. Their marriage just might change everything about the way you search online.

It’s the blessed union of Microsoft and Yahoo. This union is a definite attempt to overpower the top search engine in the country, of course, Google.