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Top 10 ways to go green and get clean

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, levels of organic pollutants in our homes – the place where we spend about 90 percent of our time – are between two and five times more polluted than the air outside. And all along you thought not smoking, buying an air purifier and that can of Oust air sanitizer you keep next to your lounge chair for moments when you just aren’t feeling clean enough, were all making a big difference. Indeed, this statistic is frightening, but it’s not one we have to live with.

The Daily Herald online has outlined 10 of the easiest, most effective and cost-friendly ways to get greener – and cleaner – in you home.

1) Dump the dry cleaning. Dry cleaning requires harsh chemicals, and those chemicals don’t stay at the dry cleaners when you bring those clothes home. Try steaming your clothes while you’re in the shower and buying more washable fabrics.


Top 10 hidden meanings in company logos

It may be difficult to believe, but thousands of logos and other graphic images that bombard us on a daily basis – from the flat screen monitors at your local grocery store or Best Buy to the annoying flashy ads that appear on the sides of many of the Web sites you visit – are filled with hidden meaning, and sometimes literally. Maybe you’ve noticed some of these before and maybe not. Either way, the following 10 logos and accompanying explanations will prove just how powerful the “voice” of an ingeniously designed logo can be.

1. Body Wisdom

This graphic image features two outwardly pointing hands joined together at the wrists. Between the ends of the palms comes a point, outlining a nose-like shape and the two white circles in the center make the shape of eyes with black pupils. Body Wisdom is a high-end day spa. The hidden meaning is between the hands, so to speak, signifying a relaxation message through the owl-like eyes, which also convey wisdom.